Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Soliloquies Essay - Claudius Soliloquy in Hamlet :: GCSE English Literature Coursework
Claudius' Soliloquy in Hamletâ â â â Claudius' speech about his regret over his homicide of Hamlet's dad is essential to the play since it's the one spot where we figure out how Claudius feels about what he has done. The remainder of the play is about how Hamlet feels about what Claudius has done, and I think it balances the play to get it from an alternate point of view. From the talk I can see that Claudius feels frustrated about the homicide, yet not sorry enough. He says, Gracious, my offense is rank, it scents to paradise. He needs to appeal to God for absolution of his offense, yet mourns, Ask can I not, on the grounds that I am as yet had of those impacts for which I did the homicide - My crown, mine own aspiration, and my sovereign. He killed Hamlet's dad so as to get those things and he isn't happy to surrender them. He understands that genuine contrition would surrender at that point, and along these lines, he isn't generally apologetic. This is the reason toward the finish of his petition, he says Words without considerations never to paradise go. There's no reason for saying he is sorry in light of the fact that God realizes he doesn't generally would not joke about this. Thus, all the better he can do is supplicate that God will make him sorry, by arguing, Heart with strings of steel, be as delicate as the ligaments of another conceived d arling. The entirety of this shows Claudius is reflective and genuine with himself. It additionally does conflicting things to my assessment of him. Contingent upon what I look like at it, this petition can cause me to feel thoughtful towards Claudius as I find out about the inward torment he is experiencing and how terrible he feels about executing Hamlet's dad. Then again, it likewise drives me increasingly crazy with him since I understand he completely saw how awful what he did was, however he decided to do it in any case, and now he realizes he ought to atone, yet declines to. As horrendous as his liable emotions seem to be, they clearly aren't awful enough to make him change. Claudius despite everything holds out some expectation for himself, however, saying All might be well. But he appears there truly isn't a lot of expectation left, when, a couple of acts later, he designs Hamlet's homicide to save very similar things he murdered Hamlet's dad to get.
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Save Money on Baby Stuff
How to Save Money on Baby Stuff How to Save Money on Baby Stuff How to Save Money on Baby StuffBabies are definitely expensive, but there are lots of high-priced items you might think you need for your kid that you can totally do without.You had a baby? Congratulations! There’s a whole new person in your life, and you’ve got many years ahead of bonding, love, frustration, reconciliation, conversations, and pride ahead of you.Kids are also expensive! And while you’ve got some time before you have to pay for college, you’re going to need to open your wallet as soon as you’re done holding your child for the first time.Leaving aside the medical expenses associated with birth, babies need a place to sleep, things to play with, stuff to eat, stuff to wear, and all manner of other things as well. The money you’re going to be spending on this baby will add up quick!That’s why we talked to the infant experts to find out how you can get baby stuff for cheaper. Let’s goo-goo ga-go! Separate the “I need it†from the “I want it.â€When many children start talking, they tend to say “I need†about things that they actually “want.†They recognize that “need†is a more urgent word than “want†and don’t yet have the capability to visualize an actual scenario where they truly “need†something that you weren’t likely to provide for them anyway.But you recognize the difference. Or at least, you should.“Get real with what you need versus what is a luxury,†advised Cory Nichols (@coryjnichols), CEO of Yes Life Financial. “My favorite example is a wipe warmer. While a lovely luxury, you probably shouldnt condition your kid to expect warm wet wipes every time you change their diaper.You are destined to be out in public when a dirty diaper has to be changed and the meltdown brought on by a ‘cold’ wipe will only make the situation more difficult. Save your money, say no to the Wipe Warmer.“Another example is Diaper Genie (or similar). I hear all the time about people who put these in the ups tairs nursery. The reality is if you are downstairs when your baby needs a diaper change you arent going to go upstairs to change it AND leave the diaper up there. You are probably just going to change it on the floor in the living room. Save your money, say no to the Diaper Genie.â€Susan Santoro, owner of Organized31 (@organized31), offered a similar recommendation:“You dont need every item on the market. Babies actually need very few items to be healthy and happy and grow and develop. Be purposeful about the items that you want for your baby and put those items on your baby shower wish list.Channel your excitement about your new baby into reading and learning about child development rather than purchasing unnecessary items.â€Consider a registry.Parenting isn’t a game with scores, which means you don’t get any “extra parent points†for refusing help. There’s nothing wrong with having a registry and accepting the generosity of your friends and family to help manage the expenses around your new wonderful bundle of joy.“A well-planned baby registry can minimize the cost of your baby’s first year or two, which can total over $17,500, depending on where you live,†explained Sandra Gordon (@sgordonwriter), owner of BabyProductsMom. “Why not let well-wishers foot the bill?But think of it as if you were shelling out for it all yourself by getting picky. To do your registry right, visit stores, such as Target, Buy Buy Baby, and your local baby boutique and get your hands on products, even if you ultimately buy/register online. If you know what you’re registering for, you’ll be less likely to waste your registry ‘dollars.’Besides big-ticket items, such as a crib, stroller, and car seat, list practical items that you’ll need in quantity, such as disposable diapers in larger sizes, cloth diapers, wipes, breast pads, and Diaper Genie refills. They may not seem gifty, but they can save lots of moola down the line. This post is helpful for w hat to buy/register for.â€Consider renting.Your baby will be growing quickly early on, so there may be items it makes more sense to rent than to buy.“We see more and more parents opting to rent high-end baby gear that they expect to only occasionally use,†recounted Fran Maier, CEO of baby gear rental marketplace BabyQuip (@BabyQuipCorp).“This might include a jogging stroller for the one or two runs a parent brings the baby along on, a baby backpack carrier for the annual family hike, or a side-by-side stroller for the one week during the year when you do a nanny share with a friend (one nanny takes her vacation and the other nanny watches babies from two families) and the nanny needs to push two babies at once.“Besides the cost savings of renting occasional-use baby gear, parents also feel better about the carbon footprint, most of which happens in the manufacturing phase. One piece of baby gear can be used by many families, rather than having it collect dust in a closet.â €And speaking of strollers…High roller stroller.Going for a walk with your baby is lovely. And it doesn’t have to break the bank!“Use a stroller frame for your baby’s first stroller,†suggested Gordon. “Instead of shelling out hundreds for a stroller from day one, snap your baby’s infant car seat into a bare-bones stroller frame, such as the Baby Trend Snap ‘n Go (around $45 on Amazon).The carrier frame will do the job until your baby outgrows their infant car seat (at about a year). It’s compatible with most brands of infant car seats. A stroller frame will buy you time, saving you from having to pair your baby’s infant car seat with a traditional coordinating stroller from day one.Time is helpful. You’ll know so much more about your next-stroller needs once you’ve got some parenting experience under your belt.â€Consider non-traditional shopping options.You want the best stuff for your baby, but you don’t necessarily have to pay the most for it.“Purcha se items that can be cleaned well and are not safety related at consignment sales,†offered Santoro. “Many baby items like clothing, blankets, books, decor, and bags are minimally used by new parents.Often you can find items at consignment sales that still have the tags and most of the remaining items are in gently-used condition. Save money on these like-new items and use those savings for items that you must purchase new.â€And that’s only one of the many ways to shop smart.“Dont purchase a lot of clothing for you or bub, especially in advance,†advised Lucy Harris, CEO of Hello Baby Bump (@hellobabybump). “You may decide breastfeeding isnt for you or there is an issue and you can no longer feed your newborn that way. If you purchase a variety of items for a breastfeeding wardrobe and this happens to you, it is money down the drain and not worth it.Wait a little while or only buy a couple of items for when you absolutely need it. When it comes to bub he/she is going to grow faster than you may think. Dont buy 50+ items that fit them now and in a few months’ time may be too small, just get the essentials and dont buy into the cute clothes.When it comes to things such as winter coats, purchase those items closer to the season than a couple of months in advance to prevent a wasted buy all because your bub has grown.“When it comes to baby clothes staples, ie all-in-ones, socks, undershirts etc. Skimp on the costs with all-in-ones and undershirts as you will layer on top of them anyway and get white. When bub makes a mess you can just bleach instead of spot treating stains which will save you when it comes to laundry expenses.“Diapers are a large expense when it comes to newborns. Two of my favorite options are buying big or use reusable diapers. Your baby is going to go through diapers like anything so purchasing the larger buys is going to save you money in the long run. If you want an eco-friendly choice, pick up some reusable diapers and jus t wash them.â€DIY, baby!You may not have much time, but if you can spare some time to do a few things yourself, it can be a big money saver.“One of the best ways to save money is by making your own baby food,†recommended Jenna Coleman, consumer expert at Particular Pantry (@particularpantry). “Most people already have the necessary equipment to make the baby food and storing homemade baby food making this an even more affordable option.Making your own baby food can save hundreds of dollars over the course of the babys first year because fresh produce is much less expensive than pre-packaged baby food, plus you get to help the environment by cutting down on plastic packaging. For example, in my area, you can buy 1lb. of fresh sweet potatoes for $1.28 while one 3oz. serving of sweet potato baby food is $1.38.â€You’ve got many rewarding nights of inconsistent sleep ahead of you. Hopefully, these tips will allow you to take that journey without going broke. To learn more abo ut saving money on everyday expenses, check out these other posts and articles from OppLoans:How to De-Stress for Cheap7 Tips for Eating Out on the CheapThe Broke Person’s Guide to Throwing Parties5 Great Tips to Save Money on Your Wifi BillDo you have a personal finance question youd like us to answer? Let us know! You can find us on Facebook and Twitter. | InstagramContributorsJenna Coleman (@particularpantry) is a consumer behavior expert in the grocery industry who believes that finding the right food for your family should be easier. She is a firm believer that everyone can be an educated consumer and she’s on a mission to bring unbiased transparency to your choices of food and modes of shopping so that you can make deliberate choices for your particular life.Sandra Gordon (@sgordonwriter) helps new parents gear up safely and for less on her site, BabyProductsMom.Lucy Harris is the mom of two wonderful children and lead mom behind Hello Baby Bump (@hellobabybum p).Fran Maier is CEO and Founder of BabyQuip (@BabyQuipCorp), the leading baby gear rental service and marketplace. She is a serial entrepreneur and brand builder with nearly 25 years experience in B2C and B2B internet businesses. She is best known for her 10+ years leading TRUSTe (now TrustArc), the leading privacy trustmark and solutions provider, and as Co-Founder and first General Manager of Nichols (@coryjnichols) is the founder CEO of Yes Life Financial. Cory and his wife Colleen started Yes Life in June of 2016 to help individuals realize their full potential and follow their dreams. Cory is from Richmond, VA where he lives with Colleen and their two boys (Jack and Oliver) and Great Dane (Penny). Cory volunteers with the RFVA and enjoys facilitating Daddy Bootcamp where he helps soon to be new dads prepare for life with a baby.Susan Santoro is a professional organizer, parent educator, owner of Organized31 (@organized31), a veteran, and busy mom of thre e. She’s moved more than 20 times thanks to the military. She shares simple ideas to help you make the space and time for what’s really important to you in your life.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Importance of Islamic Economic - 1933 Words
First of all we need to know what is Islamic economic before we carry on discussing the importance of Islamic economic. There are two main categories of definition of Islamic economic are ventured by Muslim economists. The first categories consist of definitions that concentrate on the principles of Shari’ah that make up the framework or the milieu of the behavior of economics agents. While the second categories focuses on the behavior of the agents themselves. Hasanuz Zaman defines Islamic economics as â€Å"the knowledge and application of injunctions and rules of the Shari’ah that prevent injustice in the acquisition and disposal of material resources in order to provide satisfaction to human being and enable them to perform their†¦show more content†¦The economic system of Islam, therefore, aims to achieve economic well-being and betterment of the people through equitable distribution of material resources and through establishment of social justice. Yet t he basic objective of Islamic system remains the same which has been clearly laid down by the al-Quran thus: â€Å"But seek with (the wealth) which God has bestowed on thee, the home of the Hereafter, nor neglect thy portion in this world, but do thou good as God has been good to thee and seek not mischief in the land, for God loves not those who do mischief.†(28: 77). The second most important objective of the economic system of Islam is to make distribution of economic resources, wealth and income fair and equitable. Islam discourages concentration of wealth in few hands and ensures its circulation among all the sections of society. Al-Quran, the revealed book of Islam, says: â€Å"That which Allah gives as spoil unto His messenger from the people of the townships, it is for Allah and His messenger and for the near of kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer that it become not a commodity between the rich among you.†(59: 7). 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Chinese Pronouns
There are just a few pronouns in Mandarin Chinese, and unlike many European languages, there are no subject / verb agreements to worry about. Just a few simple rules tell you everything you need to know about pronouns in Chinese. Basic Pronouns These are the pronouns of written Mandarin Chinese. I, me: wÇ’: 我You: nÇ - ä ½ You (formal): nà n:Â æ‚ ¨Ã‚ He, Him: tÄ : ä »â€"She, Her: tÄ : Ã¥ ¥ ¹It: tÄ : Ã¥ ®Æ' Youll notice that there are two ways of saying you. When speaking to elders or someone in authority, it is more polite to address them formally with æ‚ ¨ (nà n) instead of the less formal ä ½ (nÇ ). While there are six pronouns listed above in written Mandarin, in spoken Mandarin it boils down to just three basic pronouns: I / me, you, he / she / it. This is because ä »â€" / Ã¥ ¥ ¹ / Ã¥ ®Æ' are all pronounced the same, tÄ . Plurals Plurals are formed by adding 們 (traditional form) / ä » ¬ (simplified form) at the end of a basic pronoun. This character is pronounced men. See below: We, Us: wÇ’ men: 我們 / 我ä » ¬You (plural): nÇ men: ä ½ 們 / ä ½ ä » ¬They, Them: tÄ men: ä »â€"們 /Â ä »â€"ä » ¬ Differentiating Gender As discussed earlier, gender differentiating pronouns like he, she, and it all have the same sound, tÄ , but different written characters. In spoken Mandarin, differentiating between genders is a little less obvious. However, the context of the sentence will usually tell you whether the speaker is referring to a man, a woman, or a thing. Reflexive Pronoun Mandarin Chinese also has a reflexive pronoun è‡ ªÃ¥ · ± (zà ¬ jÇ ). This is used when both subject and object are the same. For example: TÄ xÇ huà n tÄ zà ¬ jÇ ä »â€"Ã¥â€"Å"æ ¬ ¢Ã¤ »â€"è‡ ªÃ¥ · ± /Â ä »â€"Ã¥â€"Å"æ ¡Ã¤ »â€"è‡ ªÃ¥ · ±He likes himself. è‡ ªÃ¥ · ± (zà ¬ jÇ ) can also be used directly after a noun or pronoun to intensify the subject. For example: WÇ’ zà ¬ jÇ xÇ huà n.我è‡ ªÃ¥ · ±Ã¥â€"Å"æ ¬ ¢ / 我è‡ ªÃ¥ · ±Ã¥â€"Å"æ ¡I, myself, like it. Sentence Examples Using Chinese Pronouns Here are some sentences using pronouns. See if you can use these examples as a guide or template to creating your own sentences. Audio files are marked with ââ€" º WÇ’: 我 I am a student.ââ€" ºWÇ’ shà ¬ xuà ©shÄ“ng.​我æ˜ ¯Ã¥ ¸Ã§â€Å¸ (traditional)我å ¦Ã§â€Å¸ ​(simplified)I like ice cream.ââ€" ºWÇ’ xÇ huÄ n bÄ «ngqà là n.我åâ€"Å"æ ¡Ã¥â€ °Ã¦ ·â€¡Ã¦ ·â€¹Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¥â€"Å"æ ¬ ¢Ã¥â€ °Ã¦ ·â€¡Ã¦ ·â€¹I don’t have a bicycle.ââ€" ºWÇ’ mà ©i yÇ’u jiÇŽotà chÄ“.我æ ²â€™Ã¦Å"‰è… ³Ã¨ ¸ è »Å 我æ ² ¡Ã¦Å"‰è„šè ¸ è ½ ¦ NÇ : ä ½ Are you a student?ââ€" ºNÇ shà ¬ xuà ©shÄ“ng ma?ä ½ æ˜ ¯Ã¥ ¸Ã§â€Å¸Ã¥â€"Ž?ä ½ æ˜ ¯Ã¥ ¦Ã§â€Å¸Ã¥ â€"?Do you like ice cream?ââ€" ºNÇ xÇ huan bÄ «ngqà là n ma?ä ½ Ã¥â€"Å"æ ¡Ã¥â€ °Ã¦ ·â€¡Ã¦ ·â€¹Ã¥â€"Ž?ä ½ Ã¥â€"Å"æ ¬ ¢Ã¥â€ °Ã¦ ·â€¡Ã¦ ·â€¹Ã¥ â€"?Do you have a bicycle?ââ€" ºNÇ yÇ’u jiÇŽotà chÄ“ ma?ä ½ æÅ"‰è… ³Ã¨ ¸ è »Å Ã¥â€"Ž?ä ½ æÅ"‰è„šè ¸ è ½ ¦Ã¥ â€"? TÄ : Ã¥ ¥ ¹ She is a doctor.ââ€" ºTÄ shà ¬ yÄ «shÄ“ng.Ã¥ ¥ ¹Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã©â€ «Ã§â€Å¸Ã¥ ¥ ¹Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã¥Å' »Ã§â€Å¸She likes coffee.ââ€" ºTÄ xÇ huan kÄ fÄ“i.Ã¥ ¥ ¹Ã¥â€"Å"æ ¡Ã¥â€™â€"å• ¡Ã¥ ¥ ¹Ã¥â€"Å"æ ¬ ¢Ã¥â€™â€"å• ¡She doesn’t have a car.ââ€" ºTÄ mà ©i yÇ’u chÄ“.Ã¥ ¥ ¹Ã¦ ²â€™Ã¦Å"‰è »Å Ã¥ ¥ ¹Ã¦ ² ¡Ã¦Å"‰è ½ ¦ WÇ’ men: 我們 / 我ä » ¬ We are students.ââ€" ºWÇ’men shà ¬ xuà ©shÄ“ng.我們æ˜ ¯Ã¥ ¸Ã§â€Å¸Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¤ » ¬Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã¥ ¦Ã§â€Å¸We like ice cream.ââ€" ºWÇ’men xÇ huan bÄ «ngqà là n.我們åâ€"Å"æ ¡Ã¥â€ °Ã¦ ·â€¡Ã¦ ·â€¹Ã¦Ë†â€˜Ã¤ » ¬Ã¥â€"Å"æ ¬ ¢Ã¥â€ °Ã¦ ·â€¡Ã¦ ·â€¹We don’t have a bicycle.ââ€" ºWÇ’men mà ©i yÇ’u jiÇŽotà chÄ“.我們æ ²â€™Ã¦Å"‰è… ³Ã¨ ¸ è »Å 我ä » ¬Ã¦ ² ¡Ã¦Å"‰è„šè ¸ è ½ ¦ TÄ men: ä »â€"們 /Â ä »â€"ä » ¬ They are students.ââ€" ºTÄ men shà ¬ xuà ©shÄ“ng.ä »â€"們æ˜ ¯Ã¥ ¸Ã§â€Å¸Ã¤ »â€"ä » ¬Ã¦Ëœ ¯Ã¥ ¦Ã§â€Å¸They like coffee.ââ€" ºTÄ men xÇ huan kÄ fÄ“i.ä »â€"們åâ€"Å"æ ¡Ã¥â€™â€"å• ¡Ã¤ »â€"ä » ¬Ã¥â€"Å"æ ¬ ¢Ã¥â€™â€"å• ¡They don’t have a car.ââ€" ºTÄ men mà ©i yÇ’u chÄ“.ä »â€"們æ ²â€™Ã¦Å"‰è »Å ä »â€"ä » ¬Ã¦ ² ¡Ã¦Å"‰è ½ ¦ Zà ¬ jÇ : è‡ ªÃ¥ · ± He lives by himself.ââ€" ºTÄ zà ¬jÇ zhà ¹.ä »â€"è‡ ªÃ¥ · ±Ã¤ ½ I will go myself.ââ€" ºWÇ’ zà ¬jÇ qà ¹.我è‡ ªÃ¥ · ±Ã¥Å½ »
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
How Google Sold Its Engineers on Management - 894 Words
Garvin’s article How Google Sold Its Engineers on Management describes Google’s unique approach to management. Google prides itself with having the best, most highly satisfied employees in the industry. A majority of its employees are engineers that prefer spending time creating and building, which makes it difficult for management to exist. Many of Google’s employees are also highly independent and do not like being micromanaged. Garvin (2013) described a 2002 experiment where Google made their organization flat, eliminating engineering managers, the company realized that managers do more than just manage projects. Managers contributed to the company, â€Å"by communicating strategy, helping employees prioritize projects, facilitating†¦show more content†¦Even though I believe Google’s management system to be effective and the article’s explanation of the system to be credible and valid, I do not believe it will fit the culture of my comp any. Working in the restaurant industry, our employees are not as technically minded as the employees of Google. From experience, direct management and more guidance are needed in a customer-service directed atmosphere. While my boss may find the surveys and employee improvement strategies to be helpful, Google’s exact system is not comparable to the restaurant industry. One HR issue this article can be applied to is ineffective performance reviews and training for management. Many companies base their performance reviews around what a manager is doing wrong, but creating a more evidence-based survey focused around specific strengths a manger should excel in helps the corporation to be future-based. Like Google, the company can identify eight characteristics of good mangers and create the survey based around those eight pillars. If a manger is deficient in a certain category they can take classes to strengthen that specific characteristics rather than have to sit through a general training highlighting things they are already good at. Anther HR issue the article may be helpful for is defining why a manager is important. Some industries are struggling withShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Organizations And Management, Research And Analysis986 Words  | 4 PagesMGT100 - Organisations And Management Research and Analysis Name: Abdul Rehman 11512340 ï ¿ ¼Task-2A: ARTICLE ANALYSIS (10%) Within the Garvin, D.A’s article entitled â€Å"How Google sold its engineers on management†the main argument is whether the Google company really requires having managerial positions within its management hierarchy. From time to time, various parties within the company have wondered whether managers matter as part of the company management. 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However, the costs of goods sold did not increase more than the sales. In other words, in 2015 when revenue was 136.75% of the base year amounts, cost of goods sold was less - only 131.41% of the base year amount. This is an indication of management having a good cost control because even though the company increased its sales, it was able cut the costs. Perhaps the company raised its sellingRead MoreSamsung : Financial Losses, And The Company s Reputation997 Words  | 4 Pagessleep. One plugs his smartphone into the bedside charger and places it on the nightstand before going to sleep, and one wakes to find his nights tand and carpet in flames, smoke flowing everywhere. Or maybe his Volvo, his hotel room, his entire house. How could this have happened? Simple: his â€Å"precious little equipment†that he uses every day is a Samsung Galaxy Note 7, just like the Reddit user Crushader`s (Wehner, 2016, para.2) and other hundreds that had spontaneously burst into flames since AugustRead MoreExamples of Company Case Studies1356 Words  | 5 Pages8M. The percentage of sales also increased from a figure of 94.43% to 94.84%. This was the increase seen pertaining to the cost of products that were sold. This proved to be a factor that caused the bottom line for Flextronics to decrease irrespective of the increase in the revenues. To improve the current conditions of the company, the management decided to restructure or downsize the company. In many countries of the world, we see that Flextronics has downsized its operations so that it can uplift
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
The Gender Blur Response free essay sample
Barbie dolls are meant to be delicate and more girlish, where as a softball glove is more rugged or active and more boyish. This gave her both different opportunities to be more girly or boyish. On the other hand, when she had two boys, the older one had become quite fond of dinosaurs. Not the herbivores, but the blood thirsty carnivores. She soon found her son to be gnawing on her leg, and realized the aggressive boy like characteristics. Blum analyzes the difference between the characteristics of a boy and a girl. A boy is known more to have the aggressive behavior, such as a girl would be less aggressive and more delicate. Her son shows proof of the typical boy with his love for vicious dinosaurs. Males are proven to be more aggressive with several facts stated in the article. One would be the higher percentage of men who commit crimes over woman. We will write a custom essay sample on The Gender Blur Response or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Not only do men commit more crimes, but males tend to use weaponry more often than females. Furthermore, she goes on to talk about a different species, the chimpanzees. It is written,†Male chimpanzees, for instance, declare war on neighboring troops, and one of their strategies is a warning strike: kill females and infants to terrorize and intimidate†(Blum 681). Blum summarizes in the end that there are still ongoing studies to research the difference of aggression in males to females. Adolescent females are being engaged with more competitive activities to test for different hormones. It is still unsure but with the current statistics, males are more aggressive than females.
Monday, April 6, 2020
A History Of Christianity In Egypt Essays - Ethnic Groups In Egypt
A History of Christianity in Egypt A History of Christianity in Egypt The history of Christianity in Egypt dates back verily to the beginnings of Christianity itself. Many Christians hold that Christianity was brought to Egypt by the Apostle Saint Mark in the early part of the first century AD. Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea, in his Ecclesiastic History states that Saint Mark first came to Egypt between the first and third year of the reign of Emperor Claudius, which would make it sometime between AD 41 and 44, and that he returned to Alexandria some twenty years later to preach and evangelize. Saint Mark's first convert in Alexandria was Anianus, a shoemaker who later was consecrated a bishop and became Patriarch of Alexandria after Saint Mark's martyrdom. This succession of Patriarchs has remained unbroken down to the present day, making the Egyptian Christian, or Coptic, Church one of the oldest Christian churches in existence. Evidence for this age comes in the form of the oldest Biblical papyri discovered in remote regions of Upper Egypt. These papyri are written in the Coptic script and are older than even the oldest Greek copies of the Bible ordered by Constantine in AD 312. The Egyptians before Christianity had always been a deeply religious people, and many readily embraced the young religion, having had their old beliefs effectively destroyed by the coming of the Roman Empire and the final dethroning of the god-king Pharaohs. Many of the concepts of Christianity were already familiar to the Egyptians from their ancient religion, such as the death and resurrection of a god, the idea of the judgement of souls and a paradisiacal afterlife for the faithful. The ankh too, the Egyptian symbol for eternal life, is very similar to that of the cross revered by Christians (especially in the form of the Coptic cross, seen at right), itself also a symbol for eternal life. Furthermore, the belief that God had chosen Egypt as a safe place for His infant son to hide him from Herod was a great source of pride to the Egyptian Christians. It was through Christianity that the Egyptian culture survived the Roman Dominion. The Church Suffering and Victorious Yet these formative years were not without problems. Throughout this time Christianity in Egypt was locked in an often deadly struggle against the polytheistic religions of the Greco-Roman culture as well as the Hellenistic movement that began in Alexandria spread to other large cities. To counter Hellenistic philosophy that often criticized the young religion the Christian leaders in Egypt established a catechetical school in Alexandria, the Didascalia, founded in the late second century AD. This school became the heart of what can only be called Christian philosophy, and great teachers and orators such as Clement and Origen were able to battle the Hellenistic philosophers on their own ground and advocate Christianity in an orderly and intellectual manner. It was also in this great university of Christian learning that Christianity first underwent rigorous studies that created its first theology and dogma, as well as making the new faith accessible to all. Pantaenus, the founder and first dean of the Didascalia, helped the Egyptian people bridge the gap between Dynastic Egypt and the new era by promoting the use of the Greek alphabet instead of the Demotic ("cursive" hieroglyphics) in translations of the Bible as well as in the writing of religious theses and letters. Additionally, the school educated everyone who came to it in Greek, opening the study of religion to just about everyone, and making as many people as possible literate. Yet the greatest persecutions on the young religion came at the hands of the Roman government. Emperor Nero had set the precedent in AD 64, about the same time as the martyrdom of Saint Peter. It was unusual, for the actual offense was simply to be a Christian or to profess the Christian faith, rather than any kind of criminal acts that might go along with it (such as those later falsely attributed to Medieval heretics). An arrested Christian could receive a pardon simply by offering incense on a Roman altar, but many refused to do so, citing scripture passages urging faith in the one God. Thus the true "crime" of the persecuted Christians was their refusal to do homage to the Roman gods, including the emperor. Those who did refuse to bow to the Roman religion were imprisoned, often tortured, thrown to the wild animals in the coliseum, or suffered execution by any number of other means. Rather than discouraging the Christians, these actions encouraged them and reinforced their faith, echoing
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Seleucus as a Successor of Alexander
Seleucus as a Successor of Alexander Seleucus was one of the Diadochi or successors of Alexander. His name was given to the empire he and his successors ruled. These, the Seleucids, may be familiar because they came into contact with the Hellenistic Jews involved in the revolt of the Maccabees (at the heart of the holiday of Hanukkah). Seleucuss Early Life and Family Seleucus himself was one of the Macedonians who fought with Alexander the Great as he conquered Persia and the western part of the Indian subcontinent, from 334 on. His father, Antiochus, had fought with Alexanders father, Philip, and so it is thought Alexander and Seleucus were around the same age, with Seleucus birthdate about 358. His mother was Laodice. Starting his military career while still a young man, Seleucus had become a senior officer by 326, in command of the royal Hypaspistai and on Alexanders staff. He crossed the Hydaspes River, in the Indian subcontinent, along with Alexander, Perdiccas, Lysimachus, and Ptolemy, some of his fellow notables in the empire carved by Alexander. Then, in 324, Seleucus was among those Alexander required to marry Iranian princesses. Seleucus married Apama, daughter of Spitamenes. Appian says Seleucus founded three cities that he named in her honor. She would become the mother of his successor, Antiochus I Soter. This makes the Seleucids par t Macedonian and part Iranian, and so, Persian. Seleucus Flees to Babylonia Perdiccas appointed Seleucus commander of the shield bearers in about 323, but Seleucus was one of those who murdered Perdiccas. Later, Seleucus resigned command, surrendering it to Cassander, son of Antipater so that he could govern as satrap the province of Babylonia when the territorial division was made at Triparadisus in about 320. In c. 315, Seleucus fled from Babylonia and Antigonus Monophthalmus to Egypt and Ptolemy Soter. One day Seleucus insulted an officer without consulting Antigonus, who was present, and Antigonus out of spite asked for accounts of his money and his possessions; Seleucus, being no match for Antigonus, withdrew to Ptolemy in Egypt. Immediately after his flight, Antigonus deposed Blitor, the governor of Mesopotamia, for letting Seleucus escape, and took over personal control of Babylonia, Mesopotamia and all the peoples from the Medes to the Hellespont....- Arrian Seleucus Takes Back Babylonia In 312, at the Battle of Gaza, in the third Diadoch War, Ptolemy and Seleucus defeated Demetrius Polorcetes, son of Antigonus. The next year Seleucus took Babylonia back. When the Babylonian War broke out, Seleucus defeated Nicanor. In 310 he defeated Demetrius. Then Antigonus invaded Babylonia. In 309 Seleucus defeated Antigonus. This marks the start of the Seleucid empire. Then in the Battle of Ipsus, during the fourth Diadoch war, Antigonus was defeated, Seleucus conquered Syria. After Antigonus had fallen in battle [1], the kings who had joined with Seleucus in destroying Antigonus, shared out his territory. Seleucus obtained then Syria from the Euphrates to the sea and inland Phrygia [2]. Always lying in wait for the neighboring peoples, with the power to coerce and the persuasion of diplomacy, he became ruler of Mesopotamia, Armenia, Seleucid Cappadocia (as it is called) [3], the Persians, Parthians, Bactrians, Arians and Tapurians, Sogdia, Arachosia, Hyrcania, and all other neighboring peoples whom Alexander had conquered in war as far as the Indus. The boundaries of his rule in Asia extended further than those of any ruler apart from Alexander; the whole land from Phrygia eastwards to the river Indus was subject to Seleucus. He crossed the Indus and made war on Sandracottus [4], king of the Indians about that river, and eventually arranged friendship and a marriage alliance with him. Some of these achievements belong to the period before the end of Antig onus, others to after his death. [...]- Appian Ptolemy Assassinates Seleucus In September 281, Ptolemy Keraunos assassinated Seleucus, who was buried in a city he had founded and named for himself. Seleucus had 72 satraps under him [7], so vast was the territory he ruled. Most of it he handed over to his son [8], and ruled himself only the land from the sea to the Euphrates. His last war he fought against Lysimachus for the control of Hellespontine Phrygia; he defeated Lysimachus who fell in the battle, and crossed himself the Hellespont [9]. As he was marching up to Lysimachea [10] he was murdered by Ptolemy nicknamed Keraunos who was accompanying him [11].This Keraunos was the son of Ptolemy Soter and Eurydice the daughter of Antipater; he had fled from Egypt through fear, as Ptolemy had in mind to hand over his realm to his youngest son. Seleucus welcomed him as the unfortunate son of his friend, and supported and took everywhere his own future assassin. And so Seleucus met his fate at the age of 73, having been king for 42 years.- Ibid Sources Diodorus xviii Justin xiiiPlutarchNeposJona LenderingCurtius x.5.7 fGreek Coins and Their Parent Cities, by John Ward, Sir George Francis HillMasters of Command by Barry StraussGhost on the Throne, by James RommAlexander the Great and His Empire, by Pierre Briant
Friday, February 21, 2020
Globalization of China vs. United States Research Paper
Globalization of China vs. United States - Research Paper Example US Steel Corporation, established in the year 1901, is one of the biggest integrated domestically owned steel companies of US. The company’s customer base is diversified in global markets including Central Europe and Canada. It was declared as the 13th largest steel producing company in the world in the year 2010. The globalization of industries in US is expected to increase the profitability of the company in future due to growing demands in the emerging economies such as China. Baosteel, established in the year 1978, was declared as the 2nd largest steel producing company in the world in 2011 and has demonstrated excellent performance in recent years irrespective of slowdown in demand in the global market. From the financial statement analysis of the US Steel Corp. it can be said that US Steel’s production capacity exceeds its total sales leading to unsold inventory. Steel sector is already a cyclical sector in the sense that the demand for the steel products vary in every quarter. Globalization in China in expected to help the company in diversifying its products into other economies. In addition, the company’s mass production will help it to reach economies of scale in future that will further help to export steel at cheaper rates making US domestic steel industry more competitive. The study aims to analyze the financial statements of the two companies and provide a comparative analysis by highlighting key areas of concern, impact of globalization in US and China and recommend steps that should be taken to ensure profitability in competitive environment. Introduction The steel industry is one of the most important industries of the economy and is also considered as an important indicator of economy. It plays a major in the development of overall economy and infrastructure. The application of steel is used in many industries such as construction, automobiles, machinery, transportation, and many others. The global steel output was over 15 47 million tons for the year ending 2012. The most important characteristics of the steel industry are that it is cyclical and highly fragmented. The steel industry has experienced superior growth during the last two decades but after the global financial crisis, the industry suffered sluggishness in demand. In order to manage operating risk, many companies have diversified their operations in emerging economies where the demand of steel was not affected by global recession. Company Analysis Baosteel Group Corporation Baosteel Group Corporation (also known as Baosteel) is one of the iron and steel largest company of China. It was established in the year 1978 and its head quarter is in Shanghai, China. It is the world’s 2nd largest steel producer following ArcelorMittal in terms of aggregate output. In the year 2012, the company was awarded 197th rank in Fortunes Global 500 for ninth consecutive year. It was also rated by Fitch, S&P, and Moody’s as A3, A, and A- respect ively in the same year. Baosteel was also identified one of the most admired company in the world. The company primarily operates in the iron and steel industry and produces high quality steel that adds value to other industries. The main products of the company are stainless steel, special steel and carbon steel. The company reported approximately 44.2 million tons that helped it to earn over RMB 18.10 billion. Hence, it was ranked as the
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
In what ways is Orwell's Keep the Aspidistra Flying a critique of Essay
In what ways is Orwell's Keep the Aspidistra Flying a critique of British values between the wars - Essay Example Even from above you could see that his shoes needed resoling.†(Orwell, 2002) This makes it obvious to the reader that Gordon is a man who is down on his luck. The book can be interpreted in terms of reflecting on the values of the British society especially between the war period. Unfortunately Gordon has some very unattractive qualities which make it difficult for the reader to identify with him. He is a man obsessed with himself and wallowing in self-pity. He has a lot of intellectual arrogance and conceit. He professes to be a budding poet although his book has only sold about one hundred and fifty three copies. He firmly believes that it is only the lack of money which prevents him from turning out a masterpiece. In his own words â€Å"Snooty, refined books on safe painters and safe poets by those moneyed young beasts who glide so gracefully from Eton to Cambridge and from Cambridge to the literary reviews.†(Orwell, 2002) Here Gordon’s contempt for writers w ho do not dare to take any kind of risk but prefer to stick to safe topics is obvious. At the same time a tinge of envy is there in his words. He considers that their moneyed background offers these writers a blanket of security which is conspicuously lacking in his life. Actually through Gordon’s monologue we catch a glimpse of British Society during the post-war period. The British middle class values are also high-lighted in this book. It was a very class conscious society at that time. The British middle class had certain rigid standards by which they lived their lives. Thus at that time you were either a gentleman or an aristocrat. If you belonged to neither of these two categories then you were a member of the lower classes and you could expect to be treated with a certain degree of contempt. Actually here the author has tried to bring to the fore-front the false sense of values which governed the British Society in those days. So we see that although Gordon Comstock ha d no money he was still desperate to keep up appearances. For example in this passage, â€Å"Gordon walked homeward against the rattling wind, which blew his hair backward and gave him more of a 'good' forehead than ever. His manner conveyed to the passers-by--at least, he hoped it did--that if he wore no overcoat it was from pure caprice. His overcoat was up the spout for fifteen shillings, as a matter of fact.†(Orwell, 2002) Here Gordon’s behavior is typical of the class to which he belonged. He did not possess an overcoat and at the same time he was trying to convey the impression that this was just whimsical behavior on his part. There were one or two bright spots in Gordon’s life. One was his girlfriend Rosemary who loved him but refused to sleep with him. The other was his rich friend Philip Ravelston who tried to help him by publishing one of his books through his publishing contacts. Gordon formed the impression that his lack of money was the main reaso n behind Rosemary’s resistance to his advances. Although Gorden claimed to disdain money, at the same time he was obsessed with it. This is apparent from this passage. â€Å"It wasn’t merely the lack of money. It was rather that, having no money, they still lived mentally in the money-world--the world in which money is virtue and poverty is crime.†(Orwell, 2002) Gordon had little or no time for his relatives. Their genteel poverty and their helplessness was a source of
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Self Leadership Another Way To Achieve Performance Education Essay
Self Leadership Another Way To Achieve Performance Education Essay Abstract In the quest for employee performance organizations seek novel leadership strategies. Self leadership behavioral-focused, natural-reward and constructive-thought strategies provide a sound solution (Houghton, 2006). Research across diverse settings has shown that the practices of effective self-leadership strategies can lead to many benefits including enhanced motivation, positive self-efficacy perception, and improved employee performance (Bandura, 1991). Rooted in social learning theory cognitive evaluation theory, self-leadership is more comprehensive theory of self influence than self-control and self-management theories. A conceptual self leadership frame work for employee performance is also suggested in this paper for organizational application. Keywords: Self-Leadership, Self-leadership Strategies, Self efficacy/Personal mastery, Motivation, Employee performance. Introduction The most influential part in our life that has the ability to support growth than anyone else is our own self. This paper is not about the leadership of others, rather something more fundamental and more powerful i.e. self-leadership. Simply stated leadership is an art of mobilizing others for shared aspirations (Bass, 1995). Leadership is the behavior of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group towards a shared goal (Coons, 1957). Leadership requires using power to influence the thoughts and actions of other people (Zalenik, 1992). Leadership is about articulating visions, embodying values, and creating the environment within which things can be accomplished (Engle, 1986). Leadership is a social process in which one individual influences the behavior of others without the use of threat and violence (Buchannan, 1997). The simplest definition of leadership perhaps is a process of influence between a leader and follower (Hollander, 1978). There are many definitions or descriptions of leadership based on equally vast and differing viewpoints. So in the light of above, Self-Leadership can be described as a process of self influence to navigate own-self for achieving desired outcome (Manz, 1992). In fact, as the opening lines suggest, our greatest latent source of leadership and influence comes not from an external leader, but from within ourselves. Self Leadership Self-leadership theory is based on self-influence, self-management and self control theories that has recently gained significant popularity and inspiring potential for application in modern organizations. Simply stated, self-leadership is a process through which people influence themselves to achieve the self-direction and self-motivation required to behave and perform in desirable ways (Manz Neck, 1999). Self-leadership is rooted in Social Learning Theory (Bandura, 1977) and Social Cognitive Theory (Bandura, 1986). Social learning theory explains that how people can influence their own cognition, motivation, and behavior (Yun, 2006). On the other side, social cognitive theory explains that there is a continuous interaction between people and their environment (Davidson, 2000) and behavioral outcomes are means of information and motivation (Bandura, 1986). Therefore, how self-leaders think and behave according to cognitive, motivational, and behavioral strategies (Yun, 2006) is explained by Self-Leadership theory. This is a process of self-influence which is facilitated through the use of both behavioral and cognitive strategies. Self-leadership has three distinctive strategies: behavior-focused strategies, natural reward strategies, and constructive thought pattern strategies (Houghton, 2006). Behavior-focused strategies comprises on self goal setting, self observation, self-reward, self punishment and self cueing. These strategies are intended to strengthen positive, desirable behaviors (e.g. Job performance, Team Performance). Behavior-focused strategies are particularly useful in managing behavior related for achieving performance including its unpleasant aspects. Natural-reward strategies focus on tasks that are intrinsically motivating. These strategies can also include the focusing of attention on more satisfying or rewarding aspects of a given job or task rather than on the unpleasant or difficult aspects. Constructive-thought pattern strategies focus on how thinking functional patterns are created and maintained. These strategies include identification and replacement of false self assumptions and irrational beliefs, creating of mental imagery for future successful performance, and positive self talks. Combining all these strategies yields an impressive package of self-influence kit that has a huge potential for organizational application in todays rapidly changing business environment. Self-leadership is a more comprehensive theory of self-influence than both self-control and self-management (Manz, 1986). Self-leadership combines the behavioral strategies suggested by self-management and self-control with cognitive strategies based on the concepts of intrinsic motivation and constructive thinking patterns. Self-leadership is more of a broader concept than both the theories of self-control and self-management. Self-management highlight extrinsic rewards (e.g. monetary rewards, praise, recognition, and self-reinforcement based on external stimuli). But self-leadership goes beyond this viewpoint and focuses on natural rewards. Natural rewards imply that performance of the task or activity is a reward in itself (Manz Neck, 1999). In summary, conceptualization of natural rewards in self-leadership theory is mainly based on the intrinsic motivation literature. Motivation, according to one definition, is an attribute that moves us to do or not to do something (Garrison, Broussard and Gredler, 2004).Motivation refers to the motives underlying behavior (Guay et al., 2010). Motivation can also be defined as voluntary uses of high-level self-regulated learning strategies, such as paying attention, connection, planning and monitoring (Turner, 1995). However Hornby (2000) states that motivation is an incentive to act or move. Research tells that there are two types of motivation, extrinsic and intrinsic. Extrinsic motivation is the result of externally administered motivators including pay, compensation and benefits, material possessions, monetary gains and positive evaluation by others. Intrinsic motivation is that type of motivation that is activated by personal enjoyment, interest, or pleasure (Deci et al, 1999). Intrinsic motivation is derived from within a person and positively effects behavior and performance (Ryan Deci, 2000). Performance refers to the effectiveness of individual behaviors that contributes to organizational objectives (McCloy, Campbell Cudeck, 1994). However Motowidlo (1997) argues that performance is all about behaviors with an evaluative aspect. Self-leadership theory encompasses both intrinsic motivation literature and cognitive evaluation theory (Deci Ryan, 1985).Cognitive evaluation theory advocates that intrinsic motivation is driven by the need for competence (i.e. to exercise and extend ones capabilities) and the need for self-determination (i.e. the need to feel free from pressures such as contingent rewards). Cognitive evaluation theory argued that individuals will try to seek feelings of competence and self-determination by overcoming challenges (deCharms, 1968). Support for the efficacy of intrinsic motivation has been demonstrated in numerous empirical studies (e.g., Deci, Connell, Ryan, 1989; Harackiewicz, 1979; Zhou, 1998). Feelings of competence and self-control (i.e.self-determination) are central part of natural rewards provided by self-leadership theory (Manz Neck, 1999). Through self leadership strategies, activities and tasks can be chosen, structured, or perceived in ways that lead to increased feelings of competence self-determination that in turns enhance task performance. Self leadership theory is very much complementary with self-determination theory (Deci, 1972). Although natural reward strategies are generally effective, self-reward strategies utilizing external rewards may also be helpful (in those situations where natural or intrinsic rewards are not needed) to increase (individual or team) performance (Manz Neck, 1999). At the heart of social cognitive theory lies the concept of Self-efficacy or personal mastery (Bandura, 1986). Self-efficacy talks about persons beliefs regarding his/her capabilities to achieve a specific task (Bandura, 1991). As per cognitive evaluation theory need for competence and self-determinations (Deci Ryan, 1985) leads to more difficult goals selection and increased perceptions of self-efficacy which in turn, leads to higher future performance (Bandura, 1991). Self-leadership theory incorporates all above components of cognitive evaluation theory and social cognitive theory. In short self-leadership strategies mentioned above enhance self-efficacy perceptions, which lead to higher levels of performance (Manz Neck, 1999). Empirical evidence supports the effectiveness of self-leadership strategies in increasing self-efficacy perceptions and performance. More recently, role of self-efficacy as a mediator of the relationship between self-leadership strategies and performance has also been examined indicating significant relationships (Prussia et al., 1998). Positive Perception of self Efficacy or Personal Mastery SUCCESSFUL PERFORMANCE Based on the literature above it can be summarized here that Self-leadership is a process of self-influence based on self-control, self management and self regulation theories. It is also rooted in motivation theories, Social learning theory and cognitive evaluation theory. Research across diverse settings, from the educational domain to the airline industry, has shown that the practices of effective self-leadership strategies can lead to many benefits including high motivation, self-efficacy, and enhanced employee performance (Bandura, 1991). As mentioned Self leadership strategies include behavioral-focused, natural-reward and constructive-thought pattern strategies. Taken together these core self-leadership strategies and aligning them to motivation, self efficacy and performance following conceptual frame work (figure.1) is suggested aiming at to achieve successful performance in an organization. This suggested conceptual frame work is modified from the basic model of Self leadership and personal effectiveness proposed by Manz Neck (2007). Figure.1 In the light of the self leadership literature the figure.1 above is suggesting a conceptual framework which implies that applying self-leadership strategies and their components through effective training programs in organization can help in developing self-led employees who can achieve goals like individual, team based or organizational performance through personal mastery. Successful performance leads to positive perception of self efficacy which creates a positive self sufficient upward spiral effect for new successful performance. As per limitation in this paper identifying individuals team based self leadership and team member work role performance was not studied which creates room for future research. Effective self-leadership strategies do not stress independent employee behaviors by ignoring teams or organization context. Rather, effective self-leadership strategies encourage a coordinated effort by individuals to seek their own personal identity and mode of contribution as part of a group, teams or organization that produces synergistic performance (Konradt; Andreßen; Ellwart, 2009). Furthermore, self-leaders are less likely to be resistant to organizational change (Neck, 1996) which is important for any learning organization as it responds and adapt to changing environment. As organizations continue to redesign and adopt structures that need a greater dependence on individual initiative, the popularity of self-leadership concepts is likely to remain strong. Finally, self-leadership behavior shaping strategies provide considerable assurance for taking the quest for employee performance to the next higher level. Indeed, effectively trained self-led employees, both behaviorally and cognitively, may offer the best blueprint for achieving employee and organizational performance in the 21st century.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Analysis of Tess of the DUrbervilles by Thomas Hardy Essay -- Thomas
Analysis of Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy The depth of artistic unity found in Thomas Hardy's Tess of the D'Urbervilles pervades every chapter of the novel. No one chapter is less important than another because each is essential in order to tell the tragic tale of Tess Durbeyfield. There is never an instance in Hardy's prose that suggests frill or excess. Themes of the Industrial Revolution in England, the status of women during Victorian England, Christianity vs. Paganism, matters of nobility, and the role that fatalism plays in life weave together with various symbols to create an amazing flow to his novel. At the beginning of chapter thirty-one, Joan Durbeyfield has just sent a letter with her advice to Tess. She tells Tess to keep her past from Angel a secret. Tess' mother is a practical woman who knows that Angel will be like most men and will reject Tess once he discovers the truth. It is important that Joan makes an appearance in this chapter because Tess' parents' influence on their daughter is integral to the plot of the novel from the beginning. In fact, a line can be traced from Tess to her parents to the effect of the Industrial Revolution on the peasantry of England. At the beginning of the novel, Tess offers to go Casterbridge to deliver the beehives that her father was supposed to deliver. John Durbeyfield is unable to make this delivery because he has yet again inebriated after having made a visit to Rolliver's Inn. Tess' father is just one example of the many victims of the Industrial Revolution. He and Joan are "representatives of the disaffected and drunken villagers whose houses will soon fall to larger farms mass-producing crops for mass consumption."[1]The villagers... ...By Thomas Hardy. N.p.: Unversity of Michigan, n.d. 417-427. Shaw, Bernard. Man and Superman. Cambridge, Mass.: The University Press, 1903;, 1999. Tess of the D'Urbervilles. 37th ed. New York : Penguin Group, 1980. Tess of the D'urbervilles/ HARDY. Masterplots. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Thomas Hardy." Critical Survey of Long Fiction. N.p.: n.p., n.d. --------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Bishnupriya Ghosh, "Critical Evaluation" Tess of the D'Urbervilles/HARDY, Masterplots [2] Charles E. May, "Thomas Hardy," Critical Survey of Long Fiction [3] May 1509 [4] George Bernard Shaw, Man and Superman, August 1999, November 10, 2003, [5] Donald Hall, Afterword on Tess of the D'urbervilles, Tess of the D'urbervilles, Peguin 1980 ed.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Galileo Galilei Essay
Galileo Galilei is an Italian astronomer, physicist, philosopher, and mathematician. He ranks with Archimedes, Newton, and Einstein as one of the greatest scientists of all time. His discoveries, made with the crudest of equipment, were brilliant examples of scientific deduction. Galileo’s studies of natural laws laid the groundwork for the experimental scientists who followed him. Galileo was born at Pisa, the son of a musician who planned a medical career for him. He began studying medicine at the University of Pisa. According to legend, Galileo made his first major discovery at this time. He is said to have used his pulse to time the swinging of a suspended lamp in a cathedral; he found that, no matter how far the lamp swung, the timing has always the same (Drake, 2002). In later life Galileo established the fact that a free-swinging object, or pendulum, moves in uniform time intervals. Pendulum clocks are a common application of this principle. Thesis Statement: This paper scrutinizes the life and contributions of Galileo Galilei. II. Discussion Galileo constructed the first telescope used for astronomical observations; the observations he made supported Copernicus’ theory that the sun is the center of the solar system. In physics, Galileo discovered the principles of motion followed by swinging pendulums, falling bodies, and flying projectiles. Galileo used his heartbeat to time the period of a pendulum. He realized that a pendulum could be used as a standard of time for a clock (Rose 2004). Pendulum clocks are still sold today, more than three hundred years after their invention. Moreover, changing from the study of medicine to that mathematics and natural science, Galileo conducted experiments on gravity that brought him to public attention. In 1589, he became a lecturer on mathematics at the University of Pisa, and began his studies of falling bodies. According to legend, as mentioned earlier, he dropped objects from the Leaning Tower of Pisa to prove his theory that bodies fall at the same speed and with the same acceleration regardless of their weight and size. He also demonstrated that projectiles follow a parabolic path. These discoveries were contrary to the teachings of the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Aristotle, many of whose ideas had for centuries been accepted without question. Galileo aroused such opposition that in 1951 he was forced to resign from the university (Rose 2004). The next year Galileo obtained a professorship in mathematics at the University of Padua, where he remained for 18 years. This was a period of successful research, acclaim, and prosperity for Galileo. In 1609, Galileo received news of the invention, in Flanders, of a device that made a distant objects appear larger. He immediately set out to build such a device for himself. The final result was a 32-power refracting telescope, with which he made series of major discoveries (Poupard 2005). He found by observation that the moon shone only from reflected light; that the Milky Way was formed of a multitude of stars; and that the planet Jupiter was circled by several moons. His discoveries caused great excitement among astronomers; he was besieged with orders for telescopes. In 1610, Galileo left Padua for Florence to become official mathematician and philosopher to Grand Duke Cosimo II de’ Medici. By the end of the year his telescopic discoveries included the rings of Saturn, the phases of Venus, and sun spots. His observations clearly confirmed the theory of the Polish astronomer Copernicus that the earth and planets revolved around the sun. The church, however, had accepted as conforming the Bible the earlier idea of the planets and sun revolving around the stationary earth. When Galileo visited Rome in 1611 he was given a welcome by Church officials befitting one of the greatest astronomers of all time, as he was then acknowledged to be. This gave him the courage to announce his support of the Copernican theory of the solar system. Controversy flared. Although warned by the Church to avoid religious interpretation of his theory, Galileo attempted to prove it by quoting the Bible. He was told by the Church in 1616 to abandon the Copernican theory because it contradicted the Bible. In 1632, however, he published Dialogue on the Two Chief Systems of the World, in which he revived his argument in favor of the Copernican system. Galileo was then summoned to appear before the Inquisition and forced to renounce the view that the earth moves around the sun (Poupard, 2005). Although sentenced to imprisonment, he was permitted to retire to his home, where he continued his studies. III. Conclusion As a conclusion, Galileo Galilei made great contributions to our society through his invention and discoveries. His works are highly acclaimed and made significant impact in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, and in sciences. Reference: Drake, Stillman (2003). Cause, Experiment, and Science: a Galilean Dialogue (University of Chicago) Poupard, Paul (2005. Galileo at work: Toward a Resolution of 350 Years of Debate, 1633-1983 (Duquesne University). Rose, Sidney (2004). Galileo and the Magic Numbers (Little, Brown).
Friday, January 3, 2020
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